So, this past week and pretty much the month leading up to this week the exciting metropolis of Boston has been filled with one name, CHIHULY.
MFA has been advertising the hell out of Chihuly like it is the only thing to have happened to the metro area in years. Well, that's because it is the biggest thing to happen to Boston in a LONG WHILE.
Boston is not exactly on the art map of places that people should visit before they die, but the exhibit 'Through the Looking Glass' by Dale Chihuly is exciting. I got the idea from a woman exclaiming 'I could just die now.'
So much so that the people/ audience/ gawkers are actually reading the description boards of what the artist has to say about each piece.
The eye-patched Chihuly who is called one of the greatest glass artists since Tiffany, you know the blue boxes that women ooze over come holidays or important things like marriage, or the Jersey Shore. If Tiffany only knew.
Dale Chihuly 'Lime Green Icicle Tower' 2011 |
The 10,000 pound sculpture that towers over the restaurant area while sophisticates stuff their faces.
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 'Scarlet Icicle Chandelier' 2011 |
This very cool chandelier uses the lighting in the room to create amazing shadows that bounce off the walls and have tourists dieing to capture it.
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011 |
Dale Chihuly 2011
Also, before you become completely mesmerized by the amazing photos (see above ) Chihuly either really likes Passion Pit or the MFA took the initiative to have a video backed by what they consider a popular artist. // |
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